• We are SOS 22: A command to the public to "support our soldiers", and bring awareness to the number of active-duty and veteran suicides.


    Our name comes from two parts:

    SOS is the international signal for distress, and also an abbreviation for Support Our Soldiers.

    The number 22 signifies the highest number of deaths by suicide per day in active-duty soldiers and veterans.


    Fortunately that number is down to 17, but that is not good enough. We never want to see that statistic reach 22 again, but 17 suicides per day is still too high. We are losing more active-duty soldiers and veterans to suicide than we are to war.

  • How We Got Started

    In Memory of Izzy Sara Beth Rosenthal George

    Aug 22, 1978 - Sept 16, 2016

    Izzy & Jon, Summer 2015

    We are Jon and Caitlin George, the founders of SOS 22.

    The idea to start this non-profit came a few months after the death of Jon's sister, Izzy.

    She was a retired Navy veteran of 7 years, 4 months, and 22 days. She was one of the first female Search and Rescue swimmers. She loved being in the water, whether it was for her job or participating in a surf competition.

    During her 2010-11 deployment in Afghanistan, she was beaten by a prisoner in transport and suffered a traumatic brain injury. She was awarded the Purple Heart after this incident, but the injury ultimately led to her retirement from the Navy, and her chronic afflictions heavily affected her for the rest of her life.

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    She took her life September 16, 2016, and her loyal service dog, Dottie, passed away 4 days later.

    The weeks that followed were full of uncertainty, chaos, and heartbreak.

    As her Power of Attorney, Jon was left to organize her funeral, contact all the necessary legal branches and otherwise, and transport her remains across the country to be buried.

    After this experience, and the lack of resources that were available to help guide us through this process and fund all the unexpected expenses, we realized that our soldiers, and the families of our soldiers, deserve better than that.

    They deserve support and assistance in whatever capacity necessary, financial or otherwise.

  • Who We Are and Why We're Here

    SOS 22 Founders' and Board Members' Information

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    Jon & Caitlin George


    Together, we are the founders behind SOS 22. We enjoy building and repurposing furniture, escaping to the mountains, and we wish we had a dog.

    Jon is a chiropractor, running enthusiast, and veteran of the Air Force.

    Caitlin is a cosmetologist, coffee drinker, and collector of house plants.

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    Ben Watson

    Board Member

    Ben is currently a Police Officer with over ten years of law enforcement experience. He has a unique perspective on mental illness and has first-hand experience in dealing with active crisis amongst veterans and public safety. Ben has a passion in helping all who have served our communities and our country.

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    Valerie Villarin

    Board Member

    Valerie is currently working in Oregon as a Physical Therapist for the Air Force, and was previously at the Veteran's Hospital in Texas working with a majority of soldiers from Fort Hood. Prior to being a Physical Therapist, she worked for the Marine Corp as a Recreation Specialist for over 9 years. Her father is retired Navy, so she grew up on base, which instilled values of the military community since she was young. By being around active- duty soldiers and veterans her whole life she has seen how PTSD, mental health, and combat-related injuries has impacted individuals in uniform, as well as their close families and friends.

    Valerie's motivation to join SOS 22 is to share her experience, provide resources and support to survivors of suicide loss, and open up dialogue to an epidemic within the military community that is often stigmatized.


  • Businesses We've Partnered With

    As we grow and lock arms with other Worth-A-Damn Resources, they'll be added here!

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    Jon George Chiropractic

    Office in Roy, UT

    Founder, Chiropractor, Mobile Chiropractor


    All Military & Veterans pay by donation in this business!


    *mobile adjustment and/or travel fees excluded

  • Volunteers

    People working behind the scenes to bring the services and resources of SOS 22 nationwide.

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    Kevin and Sonya Wilson

    Virginia Beach, VA

    Kevin is a Retired Navy Captain & Helicopter Pilot. He is currently a Testing and Evaluation Defense Contractor. He holds the degrees of BS, MS-Management , MS-Resource Strategy from Industrial College of the Armed Forces.


    Sonya has dedicated her life to helping people as a nurse, and is currently working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Education Department with primary focus in Medical-Surgical. She holds degrees including MSN, RN-BC, ACNS-BC, APRN

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    Help Us Help Others

    Every dollar donated goes right back into our founding mission: to provide services to families affected by the suicide of a veteran or active-duty military member. Whether we're covering the costs of a funeral, bio-hazard cleanup, or hotel costs, your donation is making a difference.

  • Contact Us

    Ogden, Utah
    Mon to Sat: 8:00AM to 7:00PM